The Terrifying Tale of Andreas Bichel: The Bavarian Maiden Slaughterer

In the shadow of quaint Bavarian charm, a chilling tale unfolds, where a hopeful maiden’s search for fortune spirals into a nightmarish dance with a sinister grifter cloaked in deceit and death.

October, 1806. A rustic corner in Bavaria, Germany. The tapestry of history quietly weaves a tale of unsuspecting horror as young Barbara Reisinger, an unmarried, hopeful peasant girl, walks into a local clothing shop, driven by her ambition to find work as a servant girl. Unaware of the lurking darkness, she encounters the shop’s two owners, Andreas Bichel and his wife, both the unsuspecting weavers of a chilling narrative.

As Barbara enters the premises, Frau Bichel is stepping out to deliver fabrics to a neighboring village. With his wife momentarily away, Andreas seizes the opportunity to interview the innocent maiden, setting in motion a chain of events that would soon shake the tranquil German province to its core.

Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

Later that day, Frau Bichel returns, her senses alert to an oddity. The shop’s floor is a sordid mess of soap diluted water, a scene that raises questions. With an air of nonchalance, Andreas claims he had accidentally spilled a large bucket of water.

Unbeknownst to Frau Bichel, the water that covered the floor was not merely an accident. It was the residue of an unfolding horror story that had claimed its first victim.


The day after Barbara’s interview, Andreas meets her father. With a fabricated tale, he tells him that Barbara had found a position in Nuremberg, and even more surprisingly, she had married an ambassador. To this narrative, he adds a request: for her parents to send their daughter her finest clothes, as befitting her new status.

Two weeks later, a postcard from Nuremberg reaches Barbara’s parents, ostensibly written by their daughter. The contents repeat the story Andreas had fed them, triggering their suspicion. They decline to send the clothes, leading to a visit from an agitated Andreas who scolds them for not complying with their daughter’s wishes. Overwhelmed and under duress, they relent and hand over Barbara’s best dresses to him.

However, in the years of 1806, the silence of law enforcement and the police’s role being mainly protection for the wealthy class, made it nearly impossible to bring Andreas Bichel to justice. The poor, like Barbara Reisinger, often lived in illiteracy and ignorance, unaware of their rights or means to challenge injustices. For any arrest to take place, the victims’ families had to gather their evidence and pay court fees, law fees, and even a fee to the magistrate and the police who made the arrest, making it a battle against not just the culprit, but the very system supposed to protect them.

Next Victim

Fast forward to February 15, 1808. Enter Katherina Leidel, from a wealthier stock, seeking a fortune from Andreas Bichel. When she fails to return, her alarmed family contacts the police. Thus begins the formal pursuit of justice against Andreas Bichel.

Photo by Kati Hoehl on Unsplash

The subsequent search at Bichel’s home, while turning up no direct evidence of murder, provides plenty of incriminating circumstantial evidence. Both Barbara’s and Katherina’s clothing are found. Despite Frau Bichel’s attempts to explain them away as purchases from a market in Regensburg, the authorities aren’t convinced.

A turning point arrives when a constable’s dog starts showing a peculiar interest in an outbuilding owned by the Bichels, used to store firewood. Andreas’s noticeable discomfort and efforts to distract the constable only heighten suspicion. Once the door to the outbuilding is finally opened, the full horror of Andreas Bichel’s crimes is laid bare.


Mutilated bodies of the missing girls, frightfully disfigured, are discovered. From Barbara’s blindfolded execution by a stab in the neck to Katherina’s brutal demise by a blow to the head with a hammer, the gruesome revelations leave no doubt about the savage cruelty of the crimes. Evidence piles up as numerous trunks of women’s clothing and remains of other bodies are found scattered around the property. The grim details leave little to the imagination. Both victims had been barbarically dismembered while still alive, their suffering beyond imagination.

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Facing such damning evidence, Andreas Bichel’s confession is a mere formality. He admits to his monstrous acts, his motives not just a chilling lust for profit from the sale of their clothes, but also a more sinister, deep-seated psychopathy that revels in the act of killing itself.

Andreas Bichel, a seemingly ordinary man from the town of Regendorf, was, in truth, a macabre murderer. A grifter, with a history of petty thefts, he had lived among his unsuspecting neighbors as a quiet, hard-working man. His fortune-telling side hustle, however, revealed a more devious side. A cheap magnifying glass dubbed as a ‘crystal ball’ was his tool of deceit, ensnaring naive and desperate single women and girls seeking a glimpse of their future husbands and lives.

Bichel’s ritual was meticulously planned to prey on his victims’ vulnerabilities. Under the guise of a three-part ritual requiring the victim to change her dress each time, Bichel would bind the unsuspecting girl’s hands and blindfold her, supposedly to prevent any accidental damage to his ‘crystal ball.’ What followed, however, was no fortune-telling, but a chilling, brutal end to innocent lives.

The chilling tale of Andreas Bichel, the Bavarian Maiden Slaughterer, is a stark reminder of the darkness that sometimes lurks beneath the most ordinary of faces, a horror story that unfolded in the quiet German province, forever tainting its serene history. This harrowing tale, beginning on a hopeful day in 1806, led to a horrifying revelation that still echoes in the annals of crime. Bichel’s barbaric actions serve as a grim reminder of the twisted minds that can exist behind a benign exterior, preying on the vulnerable, and leaving a trail of shattered lives and macabre mysteries in their wake.
