Student Takes Selfie With Corpse Of Teacher He Murdered Before Sawing Own Head

Student Takes Selfie With Corpse Of Teacher He Murdered Before Sawing Own Head

On Wednesday, November 1, 2017, Andrey Emelyannikov, an 18-year-old Russian student, murdered his teacher, took selfies, and then killed himself.

In the months leading up to his murder, Sergei Danilov had been having trouble with one of his students.

Sergei Danilov was in the process of expelling his student Andrey Emelyannikov.
Sergei Danilov, a 44-year-old father of 3, was in the process of expelling his student Andrey Emelyannikov.

Danilov was a health and safety teacher at the Western Complex of Continuous Education on Gvardeiskaya Street in Moscow. The 44-year-old teacher was a former Army officer and a father to 3 children.

Andrey Emelyannikov was not only failing out of his classes, but Sergei Danilov was in the process of permanently expelling the troubled teenager.

Andrey's first selfie was taken before the murder of his teacher. He posted them all to his VK account.
Andrey's first selfie was taken before the murder of his teacher. He posted them all to his VK account.

Sergei could have never suspected that he would die this Wednesday morning in such a brutal way. In one forum that Andrey frequented, one user commented that:

“’A couple of months ago he complained about his health and safety teacher, even saying that he would kill him sooner or later. But it is a common thing on our forum.” ‘Our guys often throw out threats to kill somebody, so we don’t pay any attention.’

Selfies With The Dead

Nobody will ever really know what was done or said before the murder between Andrey and his teacher, but it is easy to see how things ended.

With the two men alone in the classroom, Andrey used a sharp kitchen knife to slice open Sergei’s, creating a river of blood which flowed from the dying man’s neck.

Sergei Danilov, a former Army officer, murdered by his student.
Sergei Danilov, a former Army officer, murdered by his student.

The first-time murderer then uses his cellphone to snap a photo of his kill, which he then posted to his Vkontakte social media account. Sergei Danilov continued to bleed out, taking his final breaths as Andrey smiles for a selfie in front of him.

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Andrey used a knife to kill his teacher and posted this selfie as his victim bled out on the classroom floor.
Andrey used a knife to kill his teacher and posted this selfie as his victim bled out on the classroom floor.

The photos show the bloody murder weapon and a thick congealed pool of blood that oozed out of the teacher’s neck.

Sergie Danilov died face down.

Violent Video Games

When asked about her son’s motivation, Andrey’s mother told reporters, “Andrey spent most of his time by computer screen. He was a big fan of computer games’, said his mother. Andrey was, in fact, an avid online gamer. In one game, a player named ‘Margarita’ said that “We made friends online. He seemed to be a completely ordinary guy, with a good sense of humour.”

Could violent video games really have caused this horrific murder? Haven’t we heard all that before?

Andrey was also in the process of translating a violent comic book series called ‘Blood Stain’ into Russian from English.

Mikhail Vinogradov, a psychologist and criminologist said:  ‘Computer games with shooting form and develop aggression, and people who are playing such games may bring into live the scenarios of these games.’

Andrey Emelyannikov played many violent games, and in fact he was obsessed with one fictional character named Walter Sullivan.

Walter Sullivan is the chief antagonist of the video game Silent Hill 4: The Room. Sullivan’s mission was to murder 21 people in order to appease a god to visit the cult he was in…. (or something like that.) Andrey’s Facebook profile photo was of Walter Sullivan.

How Long Was Andrey Emelyannikov Planning This Murder?

The Last Task Moscow Police believe that by killing his teacher Andrey was fulfilling one of the last requirements of a social media challenge known as the Blue Whale Challenge. The challenge appeals to depressed teenagers who plan on committing suicide, but must first complete.

50 task of their choosing. Nobody knows for certain, but if Andrey was a part of the challenge, that would mean that killing his teacher was task #49.

Task #50 was killing himself and the method he chose was disturbing. Using the same circular saw from his first selfie photo, Andrey Emelyannikov nearly severed off his on head.

Andrey used the same circular saw in his previous selfie to nearly sever off his own head.

Andrey used the same circular saw in his previous selfie to nearly sever off his own head.