How Sweet ‘Ol’ Gran, Christine Jenneiahn, 85, Outgunned Home Intruder - Blasting Him DEADSHOT Through The Heart, Then Survived More Bullet Shots Than Rapper 50-Cent

In the quiet town of Rose, Bingham County, Idaho, 85-year-old Christine Jenneiahn is known for her kindness and generosity. She's the type of person who drops off cookies at the local police department, always ready with a warm smile and a friendly word. But on March 13, 2024, Jenneiahn's peaceful life was shattered by a terrifying home invasion that forced her to tap into a hidden reserve of strength and courage.

Christine Jenneiahn Source.

A Night of Terror

It was 2 a.m. when an unknown man, dressed in a military jacket and a black ski mask, broke into Jenneiahn's home at 134 West 600 North. The intruder, later identified as 39-year-old Derek Condon, was armed with multiple firearms and came prepared with ropes and handcuffs.

Jenneiahn, who was home with her disabled son David, was startled awake by Condon pointing a gun at her face and shouting demands. He handcuffed her to a wooden chair in the living room and began striking her on the head, leaving blood on the floor and pillow of her bedroom.

Christine’s home.

A Hidden Arsenal

What Condon didn't know was that Jenneiahn, the friendly grandmother, was no ordinary victim. For nearly three decades, she had been an Olympic shooting team instructor and owned the town's pawn shop, which meant she had a collection of firearms in her home.

As Condon rummaged through the house, threatening to kill her and her son if she didn't reveal where her valuables were kept, Jenneiahn began dragging her heavy swivel chair towards the bedroom. There, she kept a loaded .357 Magnum hidden under her pillow.

The Showdown

When Condon returned upstairs, determined to kill Jenneiahn and her son, the grandmother knew it was now or never. She pulled the revolver from its hiding spot and fired two rounds, both penetrating Condon's chest.

Derek Condon

The intruder, though wounded, returned fire with his 9mm pistol, emptying the clip and shooting Jenneiahn multiple times in the abdomen, legs, arms, and chest. Despite her injuries, Jenneiahn's aim had been true—Condon escaped to the kitchen, where he quickly died from a sharpshooter's bullet to the heart.

A Miraculous Survival

Jenneiahn collapsed back on the couch, going in and out of consciousness but forcing herself to stay alert for the sake of her son. She spent 10 hours on the floor, handcuffed to the chair and lying in a pool of her own blood, before deputies arrived at 12:17 p.m. the following day.

Remarkably, Jenneiahn was still conscious and alert when help arrived. She had suffered at least 11 gunshot wounds, but her determination and will to live had kept her going.

A Justified Act of Courage

Under Idaho's self-defense laws, Jenneiahn's actions were deemed a justifiable homicide. Bingham County Prosecuting Attorney Ryan Jolley called it "one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation" he had ever heard of.

Condon, who had a history of depression and mental health issues, had targeted Jenneiahn because he believed she would be an easy victim. He had come prepared with handcuffs, a suppressed weapon, and had parked his vehicle away from the residence to avoid detection.

A Grandmother's Grit

Christine Jenneiahn's story is one of incredible bravery and resilience in the face of unimaginable danger. Though saddened by the need to take a life, she knows that her actions not only saved herself and her son but likely prevented Condon from harming others on his "list".

Her courage and quick thinking serve as an inspiration to us all, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, we have the strength within us to fight back and survive.
