The Grisly Las Vegas 7-Eleven Cannibal Murder

The Grisly Las Vegas 7-Eleven Cannibal Murder

In a chilling case that has shocked the nation, Colin Czech, the man accused of brutally killing and cannibalizing parts of his victim near the Las Vegas Strip, has been found competent to stand trial. The gruesome attack, which left Kenneth Brown dead and mutilated, unfolded in the early morning hours of April 28, 2024.

The horror began around 4:42 am in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven on Charleston Boulevard near 3rd Street. A frantic employee called 911, reporting that a man had "tackled and punched a customer." The attacker, later identified as 29-year-old Colin Czech, appeared paranoid, screaming and yelling as he paced menacingly in front of the store.

Mere minutes later, another desperate 911 call came in from a nearby AM/PM. "Oh my God — I don't know what the fuck he's doing to this man, that's some weird shit," the caller exclaimed, as Czech was seen "eating the face" of a man lying on the ground near a bus stop.

When officers arrived at the grisly scene, they found Czech kneeling next to the victim, Kenneth Brown, who was unresponsive and covered in blood. Shockingly, Czech had "biological matter in his hair, mouth, and on his clothing." Brown, who suffered severe head trauma and was missing an eye and ear, was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Under arrest, Czech slipped in and out of consciousness, claiming he had been awake for "five days straight" and was "possessed." He admitted to fighting a "shape-shifter" and using his teeth to eat the victim's "eyeballs and ears." Czech, who is homeless, also spoke of voices in his head commanding him to kill a man named "Drake" through a "higher power."

The savagery of the crime left even hardened Las Vegas police shaken, with the bloody scene too graphic to show on television. "It was pretty bizarre, man," witness Raymond Garcia told local news. "Obviously there's a lot of stuff that goes on out here but this takes the cake."

Faced with murder charges, Czech's competency to stand trial came into question. However, after evaluation by two psychologists, a judge determined on May 24 that Czech understands the charges against him and can assist in his own defense. His next court appearance is set for June 5.

As the case moves forward, the community is left reeling from the brutality that played out on their streets. While an autopsy will reveal more about how Kenneth Brown died, it's clear the scars from this heinous crime will linger in Las Vegas for years to come.
