David Parker Ray Used A Cattle Prod On His Victims, But That's Not The Worst Of It

We've all heard of the phrase, 'never judge a book by its cover', but for the small town of Truth or Consequences, maybe we should.

One resident claimed about her town,
"This [Truth or Consequences] is the worst meth town I've ever been in... Methamphetamines are so easy to brew. Any idiot can make meth. You can whip it up in a kitchen blender. All you need is a little drain cleaner, lighter fluid and a lithium battery."
Another source referred to 'T or C' as "Shithole U.S.A.", while another claimed that it is a "world of alcoholic speed freaks."
"I've lived here all my life, and I don't agree that my town is a Mecca for white trash." - resident Frances Baird.
A Bag of Goo
David Parker Ray's 'first body' was discovered after Ralph Tutor, a 61-year-old El Paso resident, was fishing in the Elephant Butte.
Caught on Tutor's fishing line was an 80 pound "gunnysack" filled with what he thought was "animal flesh." The sack was "split along its seam".
"Just looking at it made you feel strange. The bag had been split, and this material was coming out of it."
How many bodies did David put at the bottom of the lakes?
David said, "The thing to do is cut them down the belly, scoop out their guts, fill the chest cavity with cement weights and then use bailing wire to wrap them up."

F.B.I. Agent Suicide During David Parker Ray Investigation
We can only speculate about how Patricia Rust spent her last few hours alive.

Patricia was adept at her job with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, respected to the highest level by her colleagues, and constantly receiving the toughest assignments.
She was young, still in her mid-30s, but perhaps more qualified than her superiors, who had decades of experience as an agent.
Still though, despite her degree in criminology and her experience as a former U.S. Army Captain, she knew that her four days inside David Ray Parker's 'Toybox' would be a challenge to anyone no matter how many awards and accommodations they've been given.
And besides, it was just four days.
The F.B.I. had assigned Patricia Rust to document how the recently captured "pornography-addicted killer" David Parker Ray, and his accomplice, Cindy Hendy, ran their torture operation.

They tasked her with producing "detailed drawings and diagrams of every item inside", the torture chamber. Most of the items, like the dildos, whips, and chains, seemed self-explanatory, but it was the 'other' items that gave her the most trouble.
A cattle prod, for instance.

Found on Ray's property were several self-recorded tapes of David using these devices on his victims. Sometimes, he would stop the torture session and violently rape his captive. He enjoyed anal sex the most.
During a four-day stint, Officer Patricia Rust will watch several video tapes with hours and hours of running time.
One tape depicts Ray wearing a black robe and a black mask sprinkled with gold glitter and another unknown person. In front of David Parker, Ray was his captive. She was nude, spreadeagle, and trying to squirm.
Red nylon straps constrained this poor girl to a black table. The duct tape across her mouth muffled her screams.

The video shows the man in the black robe as he produces a cattle prod, which is inserted into the victim's vagina and turned on. Patricia Rust looked on in horror, "watching her body writhe in pain," as "smoke began "pouring out from between her legs."
James Fielder describes what happens next in his book, Slow Death: The Sickest Serial Slayer To Stalk The Southwest. "The two sadists continued to molest the young woman until blood oozed out of her mouth and her ears. A moment later, her head slumped to the side and her body went limp."
On April 10th, 1999, Patricia Rust returns to her apartment and prepares herself for much needed sleep. She had just finished her four-day assignment in David Parker Ray's Toybox.
Details are scarce about what happens to Patricia next, but around 2am officers responded to a "call of a suicide in progress."
The responding officers found her body slumped over. Rust had taken her life with a "self-inflicted" gunshot wound.
And with her death, David Parker Ray had claimed his last victim.

Murder of Marie Parker
Roy Yancy is a lesser known part of the Toy Box Killers saga, however, the only one who was actually convicted of any of the murders.
Marie B. Parker, a 22-year-old mother of two who disappeared on July 5th 1997.
Parker was at a bar in Elephant Butte when she was taken back to David Parker Ray's trailer by Roy Yancy.
Marie Parker knew the Ray's well and at the time she was actually living in a tent owned by David Ray after she had been evicted from her apartment.
Roy Yancy, a "past associate" of David Parker Ray, was arrested in 1999 for the murder of Marie Parker.
According to District Attorny Ron Lopez, "
“After a drug deal gone bad,” Lopez told the press, “Mr. David Ray tor- tured Ms. Parker while Jesse Ray held a gun on Marie. When David turned to Roy Yancy and said, ‘You have to get rid of her,’ Yancy took that to mean he had to kill her. “Yancy told the police he strangled Marie Parker using a rope or a cord on orders from David Parker Ray. He indicated she was killed in the trailer— what you would call the sex/torture chamber—of Mr. Ray. They placed the body in Mr. Ray’s truck, wrapped the body in a blanket or some type of tarp, and took her out to some type of remote area and that’s where they buried her."
David Parker Ray's "Fuck Flicks"

I have covered a few other cases involving the production and distribution of illegal video sex tapes. Peter Scully, for instance, was convicted for selling child pornography to Josh Duggar. I even speculated that the 3 guys, 1 hammer case, a gruesome set of murders were to sell tapes to unknown buyers for entertainment. And now, David Ray's "Fuck Flicks", his words.
I make very special adult videos. The videos sell for about a thousand dollars each and they are only sold to a very select group of collectors of sadistic erotica. I’ve learned over the years that there’s a hell of a lot of people out there with some awful weird fantasies. I rather enjoy the work; the money’s great. Our customers want a lot of wide-angle and close-up camera shots of the breasts, nipples and sex organs being abused with a variety of instruments in a variety of ways. The action has to be real; it can’t be faked. We need to actually kidnap a woman for the action scenes.
These tapes were never made public, but were said to be extremely vile and disturbing.
Some "scenes" would be filmed in the woods, on David's boat, and in the New Mexico desert. However, most were filmed in his dungeon that he referred to as 'Satan's Den'.
Reading like a customer service message, the neatly typed words, "We strive to please; that's our claim to fame," on corporate office type paper.
Only 6 video tapes were recovered from David's trailer, and only parts of 1 was shown to the jury. This was not because of the graphic nature of the female torturing images, but because before each tape, "for Entertainment Only" appeared.
Could they have faked these tapes?
Absolutely not. Testimony from one victim called Kelli Van Cleave described her horrifying time spent with David Ray and his partner Cindy Hendy inside the 'Satan's Den'.
Slow Death: The Sickest Serial Slayer To Stalk the Southwest by James Fielder (Amazon)
Picture Poison: Viewing pornography for a living can be deadly (PracticalHomicide.com)
What makes a stun gun different from a cattle prod? (Quora.com)
Officer apparently shoots herself to death (El Paso Times, 11 April 1999)
Kidnap witness made escape during beating (Carlsbad Current-Argus, 02 April 1999)