Did Dr. Jordan Willis Drug and Freeze His 3 Friends to Death During the Recent Kansas City Football Game?

After three Kansas City Chiefs fans are found frozen to death outside a friend's home after watching a game, suspicions swirl about what really happened that night.

It was a frigid Sunday night in Kansas City. The hometown Chiefs had just trounced the Las Vegas Raiders 31-13 in an exhilarating playoff victory. Three diehard fans — Ricky Johnson, Clayton McGeeney, and David Harrington — headed to their friend Jordan Willis' house to celebrate. They cracked open some beers, turned on the TV, and settled in.

Jordan Willis' house where the bodies were found | Source: YouTube/Fox4 News Kansas City

By the next morning, all three men were dead, their frozen bodies discovered in Willis' backyard.

The Gruesome Discovery

On January 9th, Clayton McGeeney's fiancée showed up on Willis' doorstep, worried because she hadn't heard from him. When no one answered, she broke in through a basement window, searching the house and yelling her presence. She stepped out on the back porch and made a horrific discovery — Clayton's lifeless body. Police were called to the scene and soon found Ricky and David dead as well.

On Jan. 9, police say a woman was looking for her fiancé near the 5200 block of NW 83rd Terrace. When there was no answer at the door, the woman broke into the basement and found a body on the back porch. Officers responded to the scene just before 10 p.m. and found two more bodies in the backyard of the Northland home, according to Kansas City police.–From Kansascity.com

Jordan Willis' house where the bodies were found | Source: YouTube/Fox4 News Kansas City

Jordan Willis emerged from the house in his boxers, looking unconcerned. He claimed he had no idea his friends' bodies lay just outside.

Suspicions Mount

In the wake of the baffling deaths, many troubling questions emerge. Why did three grown men succumb to the elements on a night when temperatures dipped only into the low 20s F? How could Willis be oblivious to the fact that his friends were in mortal danger just steps from his home?

Jordan Willis is an award-winning HIV scientist who has moved home and deleted all of his social media after three of his friends were mysteriously found dead on his property

As family members grieved, they grew increasingly suspicious of Willis' account. David Harrington's girlfriend believes Willis knows more than he's admitting. Ricky Johnson's brother is convinced drugs must have been involved for all three healthy men to perish that night.

“I don’t like to speculate very much,” Johnson’s brother, Jonathan Price told News Nation. “But my brother was a smart man, and there’s no way that he would just freeze to death. Freezing to death is not a cause of death that I would accept.”

Meanwhile, Willis has lawyered up, moved out of the house, and scrubbed his social media. If he has nothing to hide, why is he acting so guilty?

A Football Watch Party That Turned Deadly

Authorities initially labeled the deaths accidental, claiming no signs of foul play. But the victims' families and friends are demanding a more thorough investigation.

Clayton McGeeney and his fiancée posing for a picture posted on April 17, 2023 | Source: Facebook/Clayton McGeeney

What exactly happened at that football watch party to leave three guests stone cold dead by morning? At this point, Jordan Willis may be the only person who knows the truth. Unless the autopsy results produce new evidence, we may never find out why those diehard Chiefs fans never made it home.

"This man [redacted] was inside his home alive while my friends were dead in his yard for lord knows how long. They were all hanging out since after the game Sunday. He KNEW people were looking for them," wrote Kaylee La Tier on Facebook. "He read messages of people searching for him on Tuesday. My husband banged on his door for 20 min. My friend banged on his door and then busted a window and yelled and announced her presence while she’s inside and still nothing from him?? Then the cops come 10 min later and he comes out nonchalant in his boxers with an empty wine glass in hand??!"

This case contains plenty more twists and contradicting accounts. But one thing is chillingly clear — something sinister lurked inside that unassuming Kansas City house the night three vibrant men's lives were cut devastatingly short.

Timeline of the Kansas City Freezer Deaths

January 7, 2023

January 8, 2023

January 9, 2023

Relevant Background on Jordan Willis:



Cops Spoke with ‘Resident at House’ the Night 3 Men Found Dead in Yard
A police spokesperson confirmed that the resident of the home was alive and “cooperative with detectives the day the deceased were discovered.” Friends of the victims say he ignored their calls for days.






5th Kansas City Chiefs fan at party where 3 friends were later found frozen to death ID’d: report
The man was childhood friends with the victims and party host Jordan Willis from their days at Park Hill High School.


Brother Suspects 3 Friends Found Dead in Yard After Chiefs Game Had Something ‘In Their System’
Ricky Johnson’s brother tells PEOPLE he believes “something was taken” and that alcohol alone wouldn’t explain what happened
Kansas City Chiefs fans found frozen to death ‘saw something they shouldn’t have,’ parents claim
“We just haven’t figured out how yet. . . . What else could it be? Perfectly healthy men don’t just drop off the face of the earth,” David Harrington’s dad, Jon, said.

