Jason Vukovich The "Alaskan Avenger" BASHED In 'Domes' Of Three Disgusting PEDOS. He Now Serves MORE Prison Time Than ALL OF THEM Combined... just saying.

Jason Vukovich is an Alaskian criminal who actively targeted three pedophiles from the National Sex Offender List in order to beat and rob them. Vukovich is known as the "Alaskian Avenger" and is currently serving 28 years in federal prison for assault and robbery.

Dome Daddy

The convicted pedophile Wesley Hayes was beaten with a hammer. His eye is completely swollen shut.
Vukovich beat the convicted pedophile, Wesley Hayes, with a hammer. His eye is completely swollen shut. #Sweetjustice anyone?

67-year-old Wesley Hayes Demarest woke suddenly to the sound of glass breaking. Demarest lived at 4704 Lake Spenard Drive, which he shared with one other male roommate.

As the two men step out of their rooms to investigate the noise, they see a man standing in their doorway.

"Is your name Wesley Demarest?" the strange man asked.

Wesley replies confusingly, "yes”.

The intruder tells Wesley that he's "here to get what he's owed" and then forces Demarest on his knees where he proceeded to "bash in his dome" with a hammer.

From the Anchorage Daily News, "The next thing he remembered was waking up, slumped on the ground in a pool of blood. His attacker was gone. His roommate had called 911."

"I was only wearing my underpants. They were soaked in blood, completely soaked in blood. Paramedics got me on a stretcher and took me out of here.”

Child rapist Wesley Demarest was convicted of attempting to abuse a kindergartener.
Alaska convicted child rapist Wesley Demarest of attempting to rape a kindergartener.

Wesley Demarest barely survived the attack in which he suffered multiple concussions, a fractured skull, a broken right thumb, and an eye swollen shut. Demarest spent two weeks in the hospital, where doctors put staples into his head.

Since the attack, Wesley Demarest has moved out of his Alaskan home to a new address, 488 Cribbs Rd. Dyersburg, TN 38024. Probably scared that Dome Daddy will visit again him, Wesley thinks Vukovich should serve his full sentence.

Wesley also complains, to nobody's care, that he lost his job after the attack. Let's not forget that Demarest attempted to rape a kindergartener in 2005 and served a short stint of 9 months in jail.

"He asked if I thought I paid for my crime," Demarest said. "I said, 'Yeah.' He said, 'No, you didn't pay for it enough.'"

Hit List

Jason Vukovich was given 18 years for assaulting and robbing 3 pedophiles after seeking their addresses from the sex offender list online.
Jason Vukovich was given 18 years for assaulting and robbing 3 pedophiles after seeking their addresses from the sex offender list online.

Police arrested Jason Vukovich, 41, who was sitting in his idling Honda Civic a few blocks away. Inside his car, police discovered a "hit list" with names and addresses pulled from the National Sex Offender List, which is publically available online. He had crossed three of the names off.

Slap King (Big Willie Style)🤚

Charles Albee, 68, was the first "victim" to feel the sweet justice of the "Alaskan Avenger" Jason Vukovich around 9:30am on June 25.

"Is your name Charles Albee, 68?"

"I'm here to get what I'm owed,"

Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap!!
Child rapist Charles Leamon Albee was convicted of being a big piece of shit.
Charles Leamon Albee loves children and was twice convicted of abusing minors. He's also a child kidnapper.

'He said "I’m an avenging angel, I’m going to met out justice for the people you hurt."'

Punch Lunch👊👊👊

Andres Barbosa, 25, was punched repeatedly by Jason Vukovich. Barbosa is a convicted child molester and was also found with child pornography.
Jason Vukovich punched Andres Barbosa, 25, repeatedly. Barbosa is a convicted child molester and was also found with child pornography.

The second pedo on Vukovich's list was 25-years-old Andres Barbosa and on June 27th, he opens the door to see a strange man accompanied by two unidentified females. One female raises her cellphone and presses the video record button.

"Are you Andres Barbosa, 25?"

"I'm here to get what I'm owed." the Alaskan Avenger yelled! "sit on the chair,"

"please, don't do this," cried the pedophile.

"Sit on the chair or I'll,"bash in your dome"

"I'm here to get what I'm owed,"

Punch, punch, punch, punch!!!

Barbosa is a convicted child kidnapper and was found with child pornography in his home.

Traumatic Childhood

Jason Vukovich has thousands of supporters whilst he sits in an Alaskan prison who believe he should be given an early freedom. Do you agree?
Jason Vukovich has thousands of supporters whilst he sits in an Alaskan prison who believe they should give him early freedom. Do you agree?

After pleading guilty to first degree attempted assault and first degree robbery, Jason Vukovich now sits behind bars serving a 28 year sentence. The combined sentences of the child rapist he attacked were 8 years and 9 months. Vukovich first pointed out this absurdity after saying to the Anchorage Daily News that he would agree to "serve their prison sentences back to back."

In a heartbreaking letter Jason Vukovich sent to the Anchorage Daily News, he explained how he was abused and molested as a child while under the care of his stepfather, Larry Lee Fulton. Fulton was convicted and found guilty of second-degree abuse of a minor and was "ordered to stay away from his victim."

He wrote: 'After being physically and mentally abused by a predator, my life was forever changed. 'I literally gave my own existence no value or concern. I became a thief and a liar and went on to make many poor choices throughout my life.'

Jason is currently serving his sentence. He regrets his vigalante actions and wants to deter others from seeking justice in a similar way.

" children should be able to play in the streets and parks and go to church without the threat of pedophiles lingering around them. "My own heart may have been broken long ago,"

he wrote, "but with all my being I support every child in pursuit of their dreams."
