Michigan Cannibal Gulped Down Testicles Of Kevin Bacon

“I normally eat Rocky Mountain Oysters…”
The following article contains graphic details of murder, human dismemberment, and cannibalism. Mature audiences only.

Michelle Myers tried in vain to mask her uneasiness as she told her roommate's father that she hadn’t seen him since yesterday. It was now Christmas day, and the father’s son had already missed the family dinner, a tradition set in stone; one that her roommate, Kevin Bacon (no relation to the famous actor), hadn’t missed once.

A dreadful feeling loomed in the air.

Michelle Myers Facebook post and photo of Kevin Bacon. Source.

Posting on Facebook, Myers said that she had last seen Kevin at 5:23pm when he left to meet a man he contacted on a “dating app, likely Grindr.” Kevin’s plan was to meet his date in the Swartz Creek area of Michigan for a few hours. When he didn’t return to the apartment he shared with Myers, she became increasingly anxious.

To make matters worse, he, or someone, had shut off Kevin’s phone, which is “unusual for him”, according to Myers.

The Bacon family contacted the Michigan State Police, and the search for the missing man begun. Foremost, they needed to find his cellphone, which would hopefully tell the investigators his date’s name.

Secret Room

It was a rather simple task of tracing Kevin Bacon’s location once they found his abandoned car in Clayton Township; along with his wallet and a bag of clothes. Scrolling through a history of Grindr messages showed the man had matched with a Mark David Latunski, and according to First Lt. David Kaiser, the conversation between the two men turned “sexual in nature.”

A quick database searched pulled up Latunski’s house address, and the search proceeded forward.

On December 28th, Police Sergeant Terry Berdan conducted a welfare check at 703 West Tyrell Road in Shiawassee County, Mark Latunski’s home. Latunski was definitely an odd-looking fellow.

Photo of Michigan Cannibal Mark Latunski. Source.

While walking through Latunski’s home, Berdan spotted what he believed was a “secret room”, in which he discovered an unspeakable sight.

Inside this secret room was the missing man Kevin Bacon; his body was mutilated and he was deceased. Looped around the ceiling’s rafters was a thick rope which was then looped around Bacon’s ankles; perhaps resembling a hanging animal carcass prepped for slaughter.

Photo by Artis Kančs on Unsplash

Kevin’s body dangled from the rafters, his face darkened red from the dried blood that had once gushed from his gaping carotid artery.

If the sight of the rotting naked corpse didn’t invoke an intense nausea for Officer Berdan, what he saw next surely turned his stomach.

Seeing the victim’s genital area clearly revealed that Bacon had been fully castrated; his testicles removed from the withering sack that once held them in place.

Reading from the arrest report of Mark Latunski:

Under Miranda warnings, Mr. Latunksi admitted to the murder of Mr. Bacon. Mr. Latunski stated he used a knife, stabbed him in the back one time, then slit his throat. Afterwards, Mr. Latunski stated he wrapped rope around the ankles of Mr. Bacon, and hung him from the rafters of the ceiling. In addition, Mr. Latunski admitted to using the knife to cut off Mr. Bacon’s testicles which he later consumed.

Cannibal Father of Four

The day after Mark Latunski sliced off Bacon’s testicles, he spent the entire day with his estranged husband, Jamie Arnold, who later told police that his former partner was “acting as normal as can be.”

Photo of Mark Latunski after in court. Source.

A once well-off chemist and a father of four, Latunski received his bachelor’s from Central Michigan University and was a research chemist until 2019, still holding multiple patents for his former work.

Latunski’s ex-wife, with whom he shares custody of his four children, claimed that her former husband has a long history of mental illness and refused to take medications for his disorder, which was the primary reason for his loss of employment in 2019.

Since his diagnosis in 2010, Latunski has been aware of his multiple disorders, including severe recurrent and chronic major depression with psychotic features, adjustment disorder with depression and anxiety, paranoid schizophrenia, and borderline personality traits.


Mark Latunski has pled guilty to the murder of Kevin Bacon but is now claiming that Bacon told him he was suicidal. Latunski claims he felt pity for the “troubled” man and told him he can “make him disappear”, to which Bacon agreed. Whether this narrative holds any truth is to be decided in the weeks to come, along with the Michigan cannibal’s fate.

Asked why he cooked and consumed Bacon’s testicles (the dead man’s DNA found in a pan on the stove), the Michigan killer simply replied that he “normally eats Rocky Mountain Oysters.”

Photo by Andrew Valdivia on Unsplash
