The Little Known, but Crazy As Hell Case of Sade Abe, "The Penis-Snatching Geisha"

The following article contains graphic descriptions. Mature audiences only.

Sade Abe, also known as Kichizo Ishida's Lover, was a Japanese geisha who became infamous for committing a bizarre and gruesome crime in 1936.

Born on May 28, 1905, in Tokyo, Japan, Abe grew up in a traditional Japanese household and was trained in the art of traditional Japanese dance from a young age. However, her life took a dark turn when she became involved with a man named Kichizo Ishida.

“She was a complex and enigmatic figure, a victim of her time and her society.” — Lesley Downer, author of “Women of the Pleasure Quarters: The Secret History of the Geisha”

Ishida was a wealthy businessman who frequented the Tokyo geisha district, where he met Abe. The two quickly became involved in a passionate and tumultuous affair that would ultimately lead to tragedy. In May 1936, Abe lured Ishida to a hotel room in Tokyo, where she drugged him with sleeping pills and then cut off his penis with a razor blade.

After the mutilation, Abe fled the scene with Ishida's severed member, and the police launched a massive manhunt to find her. She was eventually arrested several days later while attempting to dispose of the organ in a nearby river. During her interrogation, Abe claimed that she had acted in self-defense, alleging that Ishida had been physically and sexually abusive towards her. However, the evidence suggested otherwise, and she was charged with the murder and mutilation of Ishida.

“Sada Abe’s story represents the extremes to which a woman in a repressive society could go.” — Laura Joh Rowland, author of “The Iris Fan: A Novel of Feudal Japan”

Abe's crime shocked Japan and attracted international attention, in part because of the bizarre and gruesome nature of the mutilation. However, her story also raised questions about the status of women in Japanese society and the power dynamics in relationships between men and women. Some saw Abe as a victim of abuse who had been driven to the brink of insanity, while others saw her as a cold-blooded killer who had committed an unthinkable crime.

“Sada Abe’s crime was a violent and tragic expression of the power dynamics between men and women in early 20th century Japan.” — Emily Maguire, author of “An Isolated Incident”

During her trial, Abe maintained that she had acted in self-defense, but the prosecution presented a compelling case that suggested otherwise. They argued that Abe had been motivated by jealousy and a desire for revenge, as Ishida had been seeing other women. The prosecution also presented evidence that Abe had planned the murder in advance and had even written letters to herself, in which she described her plan to cut off Ishida's penis.

Despite her defense's efforts, Abe was convicted of murder and sentenced to six years in prison. Her sentence was later reduced to five years due to her cooperation with the authorities and her good behavior in prison. After her release, Abe disappeared from the public eye and little is known about her life after prison.

The case of Sade Abe is a tragic and disturbing one, marked by violence, jealousy, and an intense desire for revenge. While it is impossible to fully understand what drove Abe to commit such a heinous act, it is clear that she was deeply troubled and emotionally unstable. Her story continues to fascinate and horrify people around the world, and it serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of passion and obsession.
