Sarah Kolb, "Goth Killer" Strangles Female Teen Lover After Sex Betrayal

Sarah Kolb is an American murderer who facilitated the killing, dismemberment, and dumping of Adrianne Reynolds, a student at the Black Hawk College Outreach Center. They found Kolb guilty and is now spending her life behind prison bars.


Adrianne was dumped in two separate locations. This is the first dump site where police found her remains inside a garbage bag and shoved down a manhole.
They dumped Adrianne in two separate locations. This is the first dump site where police found her remains inside a garbage bag and shoved down a manhole.

Moline, Illinois, is considered a small and quiet town with a low crime rate. However, Moline's citizens leaned the awful news of jealousy, lust, and murder on January 26, 2005, when police found the charred remains of Adrianne Reynolds.

Adrianne's killer Sarah Kolb and Cory Gregory had disposed of Reynolds' remains in two separate dump sites, which were revealed after Gregory developed a guilty conscience.

The New Girl

Adrianne was a troubled soul. Could she have lived a happy life if not murdered?
Adrianne was a troubled soul. Could she have lived a happy life if not been murdered?

The Black Hawk College Outreach Center is an alternative school designed for troubled teenagers. Sarah Kolb, like the other students who attended, was expelled from their previous schools and had no other choice but to attend Black Hawk College.

In 2004, the school welcomed Adrianne Reynolds as a new student. Reynolds had moved from Texas, where she was acting out and causing trouble as a child. Before Adrianne turned 12-years-old she had been addicted to hard drugs, spent time in rehab, and had been arrested for 3 separate assault incidents.

Adrianne was also a cutter, which she may have developed after being mistreated (possibly abused) by her stepfather. When no other public school would accept her, she was forced to move into her biological father's home in Moline, Illinois.

Although pretty, with a unique Texan accent, Reynolds found it difficult to be accepted by the other kids. Luckily for Reynolds, though, the most popular girl in school had an eye on her.

Queen of the Freaks

Known as the "Queen of the Goths", Sarah Kolb was the most popular girl in her school.
Known as the "Queen of the Goths, “ Sarah Kolb was the most popular girl in her school.

Sarah Kolb has been described by one former classmate as a "pasty goth chick with black studs" and by another as "the queen of the freaks." Kolb's looks may have been extreme, but at the Black Hawk College, she was the most popular student.

Known as a habitual liar, we don't know if Sarah Kolb was abused as a child like she claims. Her sister claimed Sarah was "punished inappropriately", but the judge did not believe she was.

Like Reynolds, Sarah Kolb was also a cutter, even getting suspended from her last highschool for self-harming. She was also badly beaten and bullied at her previous school.

Kolb was bisexual and quickly began lusting over the new girl Adrianne and her long Texas drawl. At first, Adrianne was on board with this new passion, but quickly figured out that she was more into boys than girls.

"No-one seemed to care what I was doing and I think it rubbed off on me." - Sarah Kolb

Tip of the Triangle

Sarah Kolb and Cory Gregory had history together. Gregory loved Kolb, but that love was unrequited.
Sarah Kolb and Cory Gregory had history together. Gregory loved Kolb, but that love was unrequited.

Of course there had to be some jealous and deceit thrown into this story. Cory Gregory's first real love was with Sarah Kolb, however, Sarah didn't reciprocate that passion back. Sarah mostly strung Cory along, using occasional sex to get her way and control his actions.

Cory Gregory would always be Kolb's puppy dog capable of doing anything for her. Even tightening his belt around Adrianne's throat in the end.

When Sarah and her new romance Adrianne began to split, Adrianne found solace in Gregory. Eventually turning to sexual encounters and completeing the deranged teenage lust triangle.

An intense jealousy and hatred enveloped Sarah, and revenge was the only option.

7 Pieces

The Black Hawk College required students to write daily journal entries. Fortunately for police, Sarah confessed her killing plans.
The Black Hawk College required students to write daily journal entries. Fortunately for police, Sarah confessed her killing plans.

The murder happened on January 21, 2005 behind the parking lot of a local Taco Bell. Sarah Kolb knew that events may play out this way and wrote about it in her journal earlier in the day. Two days before, Kolb had found out that her once girlfriend was screwing Cory Gregory behind her back.

Adrianne's corpse was transported to a secluede farm where the two (and the help of a 16-year-old Nathan Gaudet) could cut up the body into 7 peices.

Starting with the left leg, Gaudet descibed to police how he began severing off each of the victim's limbs. Left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm, head, and finally cutting the torso in two parts.

Black Makeup Doesn't Melt

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The charred remains of Reynolds. Sarah Kolb had burned her body several times, even going back to the gas station for more fuel.
The charred remains of Reynolds. Sarah Kolb had burned her body several times, even going back to the gas station for more fuel.

Kolb and Gregory also attempted several times to burn the body before shoving the pieces of her down a man hole. Luietinent Tim Steins testified that the two even drove back to the gas staiton for more fuel, becuase the body would not burn.

"I see a large bag with a charred hand protruding from it." LT Tim Steins
Has Sarah Kolb changed? Does she feel sorry for murdering her once best friend?
Has Sarah Kolb changed? Does she feel sorry for murdering her once best friend?

Both Cory Gregory and Sarah Kolb were found guilty of the murder of Adrianne Reynolds. They will spend the majority of their natural lives within prison walls.

Nathan Gaudet received 5 years for his role in dismembering the body.
