The Ghost of Teresa Fidalgo, Real or Fake?

“I am Teresa Fidalgo and if you don’t post this on 20 other photos, I will sleep with you forever.”
The world came to know the name Teresa Fidalgo after a ‘found footage’ film at a car wreck site was uploaded to the Internet.
The camcorder and tape recovered belonged to a Portuguese horror producer called David Rebordão, and the film opens with the title ‘A Curva.’
The footage is around 6 minutes and filmed in nightvision while driving through a rural area in Portugal. Here we observe three friends, two boys and one girl, traveling through the night searching for a suitable spot to film a scene for their independent horror movie, Virus.

As the trio continue exploring, the female passenger, Tania, begins voicing her concerns by saying, “I’m having a weird feeling.”
The driver shrubs her feelings aside. “Here we go… You’re strange feelings.”
Another few minutes pass and eventually the group spot a hitchhiker, which is, of course, Teresa Fidalgo.
How the ending turns out, I can leave for you to watch yourself. I wouldn’t want to spoil anything for anyone. You can view the full video on Youtube, but I will tell you that Teresa’s story origins date back centuries and span across the planet.
The Woman in White
The sighting(s) of Teresa Fidalgo represent a local legend known as the “White Lady” or “Woman in White.” From country to county, the sightings endure, and even though the female’s descriptions are all independent of each other, they all share certain similarities.
A ‘Woman in White’, like Teresa Fidalgo, is always female, many times spotted in rural areas, and is commonly associated with a local tragedy such as an accidental death, a suicide, or even her murder by a jealous someone. A lover’s betrayal, perhaps.
In Japan, one of these ‘Women in White’ is that super frightening schoolgirl who crawls from that well. The Ring, yeah, that was it. A frequently spotted woman in white in Brazil died giving childbirth and turns up in a sleeping gown.
Canadians occasionally spot a lady still sticking around for her soon-to-be husband to return from the war. The report of his death sent her into a plunge. Literally, she dove from a cliff face while wearing her wedding gown.
In the Philippines, the lady perished in a car accident. In California, USA, a horse carriage. Germany has a woman in white haunting a castle in Dusseldorf. Often detected before several past fires within the castle’s eroding walls.
The point being, these types of ghost sightings, much like Teresa Fidalgo, all share similar themes.
Is the story of Teresa Fidalgo true?
The producer of the viral footage, David Rebordão, has already revealed that the Teresa Fidalgo story is fake. He even recalled how amazed he was to find out that his production spread so quickly, crawling its way into the urban legend hall of fame.
But, just because his account wasn’t real doesn’t mean that other “women in white” aren’t prowling around in your town.
Wait.., she’s right behind me, isn’t she….